2024 Year End Review for Groveway Community Group
January - Hired our first part time member. Met with City Administrator, participated in counting the Homeless, Donated food to New Life Presbyterian in Atl., joined city of Roswell non-profit partners, met with the new Pastor at Zion Rev. Todd to introduce him to Groveway Community Group.
February- Story program at Pleasant Hill Community Center, approximately 75 in attendance, 206 online. Joined Urban Awareness for online classes
March – Clothes Give Away at Waller Park gym 60 families served.
April – JR/SR Brunch 53 attended 15 volunteers. 5 Presenters. Lunch was provided.
June - Homeownership Seminar approximately 30 people in attendance. Clothes Giveaway at Waller Park Gym 100-150 families served. Volunteers and clothes donation from Randall-Paulson Architects.
July – Volunteered at Zion MBC Food truck Saturday.
August – Golf Tournament 56 in attendance and 10 volunteers. Great event!!
September - Clothes Give Away at Waller Park 58 families served. 24 volunteers. Roswell Rotary Club was part of our Volunteers.
October - Anniversary/Scholarship 87 attendees. Recognized 2 of our members Shelley Nagrani and Herman Hague. Gave out two $2,000.00 scholarships.
November – Clothes Giveaway at Waller Park 86 families attended 318 family member total and 19 volunteers. Zion’s men ministry, Groveway members and others. We had one translator to volunteer.
December - Holiday social with members to celebrate all accomplished this year.
This year we have added 5 new members to Groveway’s membership. We have partnered with other nonprofits this year such as: UUMAN, Stella Love nonprofit, Waller Park, CDA, Roswell Adult Recreations Center, Family Promise, Zion MBC, Pleasant Hill MBC, Roswell Presbyterian, Play Wellness, Roswell Rotary, Roswell CAC, New Life Presbyterian and Randall-Paulson Architect.
Each month we mail cards of encouragement and monthly devotional books to seniors, the Groveway’s sick list and those who might just need a word of encouragement.
Our organization has been truly blessed that we were able to continue our motto “If We Can Help Somebody” during these uncertain times. It is not how much you give, but how much you reach out from the heart to let others know you care.
We are looking for younger adults that are committed and passionate about serving others. Check us out on Facebook or Groveway’s web page, we would love to have you on our team. We meet monthly on the first Saturday.
Groveway will continue to grow and serve our community. Groveway has held on to those things that will always connect us. We will keep the vision and not let go of our mission of helping others.
Thanks to all that have supported us financially, with your prayers and through participation. To the members: I am greatly appreciative for your sacrifices that you continue to make to Groveway Community Group.
S. Gail Bohannon, President
We could not do what we do without volunteers! If you are interested in helping us, please send us a message.